Saturday, March 31, 2007

अंतिम भाग

ये कविताऎं हैं जो श्री उमेश डोभाल की क्रांतिकारी भावनाओं को व्यक्त करती हैं .

“छाये नहीं फूटे
मौसम भी खिलाफ कर दिया गया
गांवों में यकबयक बढ़ गयी है उम्र
पेड़ों की तरह गायब होने के लिये
यह हमला बहुत संगीन है
इसके खिलाफ बोलना होगा
हथियार उठाने हौंगे”

“सरपट भागते घोड़े की तरह नहीं
अलकनंदा के बहाव की तरह
धीरे धीरे आयेगा बसंत
बसंत की पूर्व सूचना दे रहे हैं

मिट्टी पानी और हवा से ताकत लेकर
तने से होता हुआ
शाखाओं में पहुंचेगा बसंत

अंधेरे में जहां आंख नहीं पहुंचती
लड़ी जा रही है एक लड़ाई
खामोश हलचलें
अंदर ही अंदर जमीन तैयार कर रही हैं
जागो! बसंत दस्तक दे रहा है”

उमेश की अंतिम कविता जो कि कहा जाता है कि उन्होंने अपनी हत्या से कुछ समय पहले लिखी थी

“मैने जीने के लिये हाथ उठाया
और पटक दिया गया
मैने स्वपन देखे
और चटाई की तरह
अपनों के बीच बिछ गया
उठाकर फैंक दिया गया
अंधेरी भयावह सुरंग के बीच
उठाकर फैंक दिया गया
अंधेरी भयावह सुरंग में
रोशनी मैने वहां भी तलाश की
अब मैं मार दिया जाऊंगा
उन्ही के नाम पर
जिनके लिये संसार देखा है मैंने”

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

कुछ और कविताऎं

उमेश डोभाल की कुछ और कविताऎं..

"वे कौन हैं
जो प्रत्येक सुबह चिड़ियों के चहचहाने से पहले उठ जाते हें
और बिछ जाते हैं हर उस जगह
जहां से तुम्हें गुजरना होता है
अपने महत्वाकांक्षी सपनों के साथ
इस खूबसूरत पृथ्वी पर वे प्रत्येक जगह हैं
अपने श्रम की सम्पूर्ण महक के साथ
गाँव में वे जमीन हैं
जमीन पर ओंधे लेटे हुए मानो तो शहर भी वे ही हैं
शहर भर को उठाये हुए
और नहीं भी हैं कहीं
वे लाखों लोग जो तुमसे ज्यादा हैं और ताकतवर भी
आखिर कोई कब तक किसी को रोक सकता है
जमीन पर सीधे खड़े होने से"

"राख होते शरीर को
सहानभूति की जरूरत नही है
जरूरत जिंदा औरतों को
उनके सपने बताने की है"

"मैं प्यार करता हूं
पहाड़ी सड़क के मोड़ से
ढलान पर उगे चीड़ वन
अच्छे लगते हैं
कितने अच्छे हैं वे गीत
जो बेजुबानों की जुबान हो
जो अनपढ़ रूप हों प्यार के
मैं उन्हें तरसाना चाहता हूं"

शेष कल....

Monday, March 26, 2007

उमेश डोभाल की कुछ कविताऎं

उमेश डोभाल की कुछ कविताऎं जो नैनीताल समाचार के अंक से साभार ली गयी हैं

“अब मैं मार दिया जाऊंगा उन्ही के नाम पर जिनके लिये संसार देखा है मैने”

“ वह हवा जो हिमालय से आती है
भली लगती है
मुझे अब भी खींचते हैं
घिंघोंरू का डंडा और गुल्ली
हल बैल बन जाने का खेल
मैं उनका हिस्सा बनना चाहता हूं
इसलिये युद्ध में हूं “

“असमय बूढ़ी हो गयी है माँ
बाँज की शाखाओं से खुरदुरे हाथ
कितने स्नेहिल
बेटी बेटों और नाती नातिनों के लिये
उनके लिये
कितना जवान है
माँ का मन
खिले बुराँस की तरह झरते पराग की तरह
आकाश सी तनी
और दूब सी फैली
हर जगह उपस्थिति माँ की
अपनों पर किसी खतरे की आशंका से
कुल्हाड़ी की चोट खा रहे पेड़ सी
परिवार के कीली पर
पृथ्वी सी घूमती माँ ”

शेष कविताऎं कल......

Remembering Umesh Dobhal

Have you heard the name of Umesh Dobhal. Many of you must be aware that he was murdered on 25th March 1988 .He was a Hindi journalist from Pauri Garhwal for Amar Ujala. There was a mass movement after the death of Umesh Dobhal. In the months of June and July widespread and intense protest demonstrations, rallies and petitions were vocally taken up by journalists from Kumaon, Garhwal and Delhi. A 'Patrakar Sangharsh Samiti' was also formed which filed a petition in the Supreme Court for producing Umesh Dobhal or for investigations to be taken up by the CBI against those responsible.

The mid eighties had witnessed large scale mobilisation against liquor in the neighbouring districts of Almora and Nainital. The life-blood of this movement were thousands of women and men from remote villages and small towns throughout Kumaon and Garhwal. Their protest was not merely an emotive assertion of the ills of liquor but a rich understanding of the complex inter-relatedness of the system - from the local liquor vendors to the powerful liquor lobby and the policies of the state. Umesh who was working with Aman Ujala at that time wrote various articles against that Liquor mafia and sacrificed his life for the sake of the people.

Umesh was born in Pauri Garhwal. on 7th February 1952 . He was born in Siroli village of Dhangu Patti.

Umesh was a poet also . As per one of the report. " Cold rage is that essential minimum which must survive, when nothing else can, in the face of sheer power and its ruthless exercise. Words must rage on if nothing else can, for human courage is too precious to be relegated to dusty corners of memory. And so this tribute, in sorrow and anger, to Umesh Dobhal, a Hindi journalist from Pauri Garhwal, who in his turn had lived the sorrow, the anger, the courage; who was murdered at the age of 38 in March 1988; whose body was never found. The subsequent trial proceedings came to an end last month -April 1994. All the accused were acquitted. Umesh Dobhal was, among other things, an unsung poet of those "who are everywhere, with the fragrance of their labour". For them he celebrated a spring "in silent turbulence, being prepared by the earth, secretly". For them he "saw the world". It follows that in his capacity as a journalist he wrote pieces that were alive with a people oriented sensibility and with the truths of social economic and political malaise."

Some of the poem of Umesh was published in the recent edition of Nanital samachar and listed in my next post.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

A poem of Sumitra Nandan Pant

Today morning when I was searching for a book in my Almirah (now-a-days the word 'search' seems to have acquired a different meaning. When you think of search the mind feels you must be searching in a search engine like google or yahoo...but that was not the case with me I was searching in my Almirah only) I came across one old book of Pandit Sumitra Nandan Pant. I remember I bought that book around 17-18 years ago when I used to be a BIG fan of Sumira Nandan Pant. I like nearly all the poems of him but today I am giving one poem from the same collection which brings the beauty of a Village .

ग्राम श्री

फैली खेतों में दूर तलक
मख़मल की कोमल हरियाली,
लिपटीं जिस से रवि की किरणें
चाँदी की-सी उजली जाली !

रोमाँचित-सी लगती वसुधा
आयी जौ-गेहूँ में बाली
अरहर सनई की सोने की
किंकिणियाँ हैं शोभाशाली
उड़ती भीनी तैलाक्त गन्ध
फूली सरसों पीली-पीली,
लो, हरित धरा से झाँक रही
नीलम की कलि, तीसी नीली,
रँग-रँग के फूलों में रिलमिल
हँस रही संखिया मटर खड़ी,
मख़मली पेटियों-सी लटकी
छीमियाँ, छिपाये बीज लड़ी !

अब रजत-स्वर्ण मंजरियों से
लद गयी आम्र-तरु की डाली,
झर रहे ढाँक, पीपल के दल,
हो उठी कोकिला मतवाली !
महके कटहल, मुकुलित जामुन,
जंगल में झरबेरी झूली,
फूले आड़ू, नीबू, दाड़िम,
आलू, गोभी, बैगन, मूली !

पीले मीठे अमरूदों में
अब लाल-लाल चित्तियाँ पड़ीं
पक गये सुनहले मधुर बेर,
अँवली से तरु की डाल जड़ीं !
लहलह पालक,महमह धनिया,
लौकी औ' सेम फली,फैलीं !
मख़मली टमाटर हुए लाल,
मिरचों की बड़ी हरी थैली !
गंजी को मार गया पाला,
अरहर के फूलों को झुलसा,
हाँका करती दिन-भर बन्दर
अब मालिन की लड़की तुलसा !
बालाएँ गजरा काट-काट,
कुछ कह गुपचुप हँसतीं किन-किन
चाँदी की-सी घण्टियाँ तरल
बजती रहती रह-रह खिन-खिन!

बगिया के छोटे पेड़ों पर
सुन्दर लगते छोटे छाजन,
सुन्दर गेहूँ, की बालों पर
मोती के दानों से हिमकन !
प्रात: ओझल हो जाता जग,
भू पर आता ज्यों उतर गगन,
सुन्दर लगते फिर कुहरे से
उठते-से खेत, बाग़, गॄह वन !

लटके तरुओं पर विहग नीड़
वनचर लड़कों को हुए ज्ञात,
रेखा-छवि विरल टहनियों की
ठूँठे तरुओं के नग्न गात !
आँगन में दौड़ रहे पत्ते,
धूमती भँवर-सी शिशिर-वात,
बदली छँटने पर लगती प्रिय
ऋतुमती धरित्री सद्य-स्नात !

हँसमुख हरियाली हिम-आतप
सुख से अलसाए-से सोये,
भीगी अँधियाली में निशि की
तारक स्वप्नों में-से-खोये,-
मरकत डिब्बे-सा खुला ग्राम-
जिस पर नीलम नभ-आच्छादन-
निरुपम हिमान्त में स्निग्ध-शान्त
निज शोभा से हरता न-मनज !

How sweet !!..Simply Superb...Love the way he writes....

Ekta Bisht : A talent from Almora

I remember when I used to study in Almora we used to go to stadium for watching sport events. At that time the field of Almora Collage used to be called ‘stadium’. That time there used to be “Hill Top Trophy” which was a cricket tournament in which many teams from Uttarakhand (then UP) used to play. We used to bunk our periods to watch matches. From the Almora team there were some names which were very famous. We enjoyed the bowling of Ali brother’s specially “Liyaqat ali” who was a fast and furious bowler. I recently came to know that the same “Liyaqat Ali” is now a coach at Almora and “Ekta Bisht” is his disciple.

Ekta Bisht is a new “प्रतिभा” (Talent) of Uttarakhand who recently participated in a cricket tournament at Chennai . She was in India-A team. She is 20 years old and pursuing her M.Com.She is from Khajanchi Mohalla , Almora . She is a left arm off-break bowler .

You can get more about her here

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Another MMS Scandal-This time in Uttarakhand

I never thought that when I would start blogging, the next day I would be bringing you such a news from Times of India (TOI) . This is the news which is shameful for us and we need to educate people how to avoid such situations.

Uttarakhand town rocked by MMS scandal, 1 held
13 Mar, 2007 0132hrs IST TIMES NEWS NETWORK
DEHRA DUN: An obscene MMS clip has rocked the quiet university town of Srinagar in Dehra Dun.

The idyllic town in Pauri district of Uttarakhand witnessed widespread protests on Monday after a private TV channel carried a story saying the MMS clip had been doing the rounds in the city for a couple of months. Accusing the administration of not acting, students and residents of the town took to the streets. Markets too were closed.

Acting on the report and an FIR lodged by a Srinagar resident, a local shopkeeper — Faizal alias Lucky — was arrested on Sunday and was charged with raping the girl shown in the MMS clip. The girl — a BSc student of Garhwal University — was sent for medical examination.

Initially, Faizal claimed the girl was his friend and the clip was made with her consent. However, he later told the police he had lost the memory card of his cellphone and the clip had been circulated by people who found it. The girl accused Faizal of blackmailing her, police said, adding that she said Faizal raped her after giving sedative and filmed it.

Newly-elected chief minister B C Khanduri — who is also Pauri MP — promised strong action against the guilty.
You can also read the news at

Monday, March 12, 2007

Lessons from Amby Valley

I recently visited Amby Valley . Amby velley is situated near Lonavala and supposed to be 120 minutes (2 hours) away from Mumbai. When we boarded in the AC bus at hotel orchid,Mumbai at 11.00 AM we thought that we would be reaching there by 1.00 PM and will take the lunch there as scheduled.The AC bus, which was a “Volvo type” bus (not Volvo bus), was moving with a very slow speed on hills towards Amby Valley after lonavala. Even the AC of the bus was not working. Someone in bus gave his ‘expert comment’ that this is because engine is not able to take the load and there is some problem in the hydraulic system of bus. Without being aware of all those facts I was sitting there hungry and drinking water (which thankfully provided in the bus). Since I thought that we would be reaching Amby Velly at 1.00 PM I did not take the refreshment packet which they were providing at Mumbai. I regretted my decision later.
Any ways …Finally we reached at around 3.15 PM at AV . Robin Sharma (“The monk who sold his Ferrari” and “"Who Will Cry when You Die?" “ fame) was supposed to deliver the key note address at around 3.00 PM. Since I have read the said books and was quite impressed with the transformation of Julian Mental in the book TMWSHF, I was curious to attend that session, which I thought that I am going to miss now. Thanks to organizers that they shifted this session to next slot at 5.00 PM. The key note was impressive . Robin said that his father is from J&K and Mother is from Nairobi. Sharma is of Indian origin. His father is native of Jammu and Kashmir state of India. His mother also of Indian origin was up raised in Nairobi, Kenya. Robin grew up on the east cost of Canada in a small town which had a population of around two thousand people. He is an alumnus of Dalhousie Law School, which is based in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He was a lawyer by profession before taking up writing.

His fundas for leadership were simple and easy to understand but it was not very different from what he tells in his books -however hearing from the author himself is quite different from what you read in the books. It has more impact and you can visualize it better, more over the voice modulation of Robin was superb.Since we could not do a check-in in the cottage and chalet of Amby Valley (We were directly transported to event place for lunch and then summit) after we reached there I felt bit tired after Robin’s key note. I thought of hitting the bed but there was a program scheduled for the evening also. I checked in to Supream enclave of AV and took a hot bath (this is the only time when I could take a hot bath in AV as hot water in my room was not available after that and I did not like to complain for the same) . The room was artistically built with wooden finish from outside and inside. Lot of thoughts must have gone for designing the rooms. Rooms contain nearly all the facility you can ask for. I thought of skipping the evening program but later decided to go for it . It turned out to be a good decision as it was a musical evening by Hariprasad Chaurasia and 'Taufiq Qureshi' - the youngest son of the legendary tabla maestro Ustad Allahrakha and brother of the World famous tabla wizard Ustad Zakir Hussain. They mesmerized the whole audience with the music and jugalbandi. It was really superb. Only problem was that this program was organized near a lake ,so night was quite cold. This program ended at around 10.30 PM and we had a nice dinner. We could also meet to Kapil Dev there who was supposed to play a round of golf with some of us (who prefer to play Golf). So it was nice ,hectic ,tiring day which came to an end at around 1.00 AM when finally I slept.

Getting up next morning was really tough . We were supposed to join “Golf with Kapil” or “Yoga with Bharat Thakur” and I preferred the “Yoga” .The only problem was that the program was supposed to be from 6.30 AM and we were supposed to leave the place by 6.00 AM. So I got up at 5.30 AM and got ready by 6.15. The “yoga” session was good but not very much different from what others teach in various other forums…but yes you will always find something new every time .

Now some other point . Ambey Velley is built in the hills near lonawala .As they say about Amby Valley that it is famous for

  • 4 shimmering man-made lakes and 11 water bodies having a total shore length of 23 kms. with the largest lake having a shore length of 10.6 kms. and numerous natural water bodies having a total water surface of 151 hectares (Area under submergence)
  • Water Storage capacity of 15.3 million cubic meters
  • A variety of exotic fountains that add a touch of regality to the City. Already operational is the Supreme Fountain (which boasts of a jet of 36m), the Jewel Fountain, the Pyramid Fountain and the Dome Fountain
  • Cascading waterfalls meandering through picturesque water courses
  • Scenic flower beds flanking the fencing and the borders
  • Exquisitely designed gardens and parks for sheer beauty
  • Misty mountains and breath-taking valleys add an ethereal touch to the city
  • Nature Park
  • The twin gates, widest in the country - 45m wide, 16m high set the theme of 'Space'

The Indian Cricket Team was each given a 'seven-star' apartment (the three bedroom unit) at Amby Valley for reaching the World Cup Final in South Africa.

As I saw AV they have tried to make it a resort with artificial lakes ,trees , greenery, fountains and buildings. It resembles with our own Uttarakhand . In fact many times I felt that I am moving somewhere in Uttarakhand. I could even found the 'Timil tree' here. Timil is a wild fruit and we used to have 'timil' in our childhood . The ambiance of AV is no doubt beautiful but somehow I could not feel the naturalness which is quite prevalent in our Uttarakhand. Just a thought came to my mind that if artificially we can create a man-made city –aka hill resort why can’t we make our Uttarakhand a global tourist destination. Obviously we would require lot of planning and money (but naturally less then what was required to create AV) and this would be better than the AV.

Any thoughts on this?

Uttarakhand News